In dem, was wir erschaffen, sind wir frei. In what we create, we are free. In ciò che creiamo, siamo liberi.
Michael Ende
Daniele Gasparini started his studies in composition under Aurelio Samorì’s guidance very young, graduating at the age of twenty in composition and in orchestral conducting at Conservatorio Rossini in Pesaro. He improved himself at Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome, under Azio Corghi’s guidance. He attended also Franco Donatoni’s and Fabio Vacchi’s courses.
After his success at Masterprize (third prize) in 1998, his works got awards at several important international competitions.
His compositions have been performed even by renowned players such as the London Symphony Orchestra under Daniel Harding’s conducting, the Orquesta Sinfónica de Radiotelevisión Española under Adrian Leaper, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra under Ulf Schirmer, the Polish National Radio Orchestra under Christopher Lyndon-Gee, the BBC Orchestra, the Netherlands National Radio Choir under Simon Halsey, Salvatore Accardo, Tzimon Barto, the Trio di Parma, the Ensemble Calliopée, etc. and broadcast in more than forty countries all over the world.
After his classical studies he took a degree in Philosophy at Università degli Studi Carlo Bo in Urbino.
Always interested in the relations among music, literature and figurative arts, he regularly gives lectures on such themes.

2020 – She Lives Budapest Prize, awarded by SHE LIVES Association, for Tres recuerdos del cielo
2018 – Karol Szymanowski International Music Competition, 3rd prize awarded by Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, for Once beyond a time
2017 – 5-Minutes Piano Concerto Composition Competition awarded by Music Biennale Zagreb, Croatian Composers’ Society for City of Water
2015 – Karol Szymanowski Composition Prize awarded by Karol Szymanowski Music Society, Karol Szymanowski Music Academy, Polish National Symphony Radio Orchestra for Snowise, snowhere, snoway. Snowsense
2014 – Barto Prize awarded by Lake Eustis Institute (Florida) for Tres recuerdos del cielo
2013 – Premio Monodramma awarded by Verona Opera Academy, NED Ensemble, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, for Incubi e amore
2009 – Pablo Casals awarded by Festival Pablo Casals (Prades), for Quando il vento sognava
2007 – Groot Omroepkoor Prijs awarded by the Netherlands Nation Radio Choir for Why east wind chills
2006 – Premio Internazionale Guido d’Arezzo, second prize (first not awarded), awarded by Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, for Why east wind chills (version for 16 solo singers)
2004 – Premio Reina Sofia awarded by Fundació de Musica Ferrer Salat (Barcelona) with the high patronage of Queen Sofia, for Myselves Passacaglia
2002 – Premio Internazionale 2 agosto, awarded by “Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime della strage alla Stazione di Bologna del 2 Agosto 1980” (Bologna) with the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, for Il violino invisibile
2000 – Premio Internazionale Valentino Bucchi awarded by Fondazione Valentino Bucchi (Rome) for La mort rose
1998/2000 – Premio Internazionale Giacomo Leopardi awarded by Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani (Recanati), for Le mummie di Federico Ruysch
1997/98 – Masterprize, third prize, awarded by Masterprize, BBC, EMI, London Symphony Orchestra, for Through the Looking Glass
He is still a finalist of the Dimitris Mitropoulos International Competition (2011) in Athens, the final stage of which has been suspended because of Greek economic crisis.
Con l’affermazione al Masterprize di Londra del 1997-98 (terzo classificato), ha intrapreso una carriera che lo ha portato a ricevere prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali, sia per la sua produzione orchestrale che cameristica e vocale.
Sue composizioni sono state eseguite anche da interpreti prestigiosi quali la London Symphony Orchestra diretta da Daniel Harding, l’orchestra della BBC, la Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra diretta da Ulf Schirmer, l’Orchestra della Radio-Televisione Spagnola diretta da Adrian Leaper, l’Orchestra della Radio Nazionale Polacca diretta da Christopher Lyndon-Gee, il Coro della Radio Nazionale Olandese diretto da Simon Halsey, Tzimon Barto, Salvatore Accardo, il Trio di Parma, l’Ensemble Calliopée ecc. e radiotrasmesse in una quarantina di paesi nel mondo.
Laureato in Filosofia presso l’Università degli Studi di Urbino, Gasparini è da sempre interessato ai rapporti della musica con la letteratura e le arti figurative e tiene spesso lezioni e conferenze su tali tematiche. Ha recentemente collaborato con lo scrittore Raul Montanari autore del libretto per il monodramma Incubi e amore e del testo per il melologo Trans Europe Express.
Attualmente insegna presso il Conservatorio di Musica Alfredo Casella dell’Aquila.

2017 – 5-Minutes Piano Concerto Composition Competition awarded by Music Biennale Zagreb, Croatian Composers’ Society for City of Water
2015 – Karol Szymanowski Composition Prize awarded by Karol Szymanowski Music Society, Karol Szymanowski Music Academy, Polish National Symphony Radio Orchestra for Snowise, snowhere, snoway. Snowsense
2014 – Barto Prize awarded by Lake Eustis Institute (Florida) for Tres recuerdos del cielo
2013 – Premio Monodramma awarded by Verona Opera Academy, NED Ensemble, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, for Incubi e amore
2009 – Pablo Casals awarded by Festival Pablo Casals (Prades), for Quando il vento sognava
2007 – Groot Omroepkoor Prijs awarded by the Netherlands Nation Radio Choir for Why east wind chills
2006 – Premio Internazionale Guido d’Arezzo, second prize (first not awarded), awarded by Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, for Why east wind chills (version for 16 solo singers)
2004 – Premio Reina Sofia awarded by Fundació de Musica Ferrer Salat (Barcelona) with the high patronage of Queen Sofia, for Myselves Passacaglia
2002 – Premio Internazionale 2 agosto, awarded by “Associazione tra i familiari delle vittime della strage alla Stazione di Bologna del 2 Agosto 1980” (Bologna) with the high patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, for Il violino invisibile
2000 – Premio Internazionale Valentino Bucchi awarded by Fondazione Valentino Bucchi (Rome) for La mort rose
1998/2000 – Premio Internazionale Giacomo Leopardi awarded by Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani (Recanati), for Le mummie di Federico Ruysch
1997/98 – Masterprize, third prize, awarded by Masterprize, BBC, EMI, London Symphony Orchestra, for Through the Looking Glass
He is still a finalist of the Dimitris Mitropoulos International Competition (2011) in Athens, the final stage of which has been suspended because of Greek economic crisis.